Thursday, September 25, 2008

How To Stay Focused & Increase Working Efficiency

Most of us will be facing problem to stay focused at work.Sometime we get irritated with our self when we failed to complete our work or project.I still remember those days where I failed to complete my project and had a tough time to give explanation to my boss.By applying some ‘Magic Formula’ now I'm able to stay focused on my work and complete my projects before the due date.

Normally we tend to get distracted by various reason.Like emails,social media,online games and so on.We tend to spend 2-3 hours on social media’s and email.I called them ‘time stealer’.I used to spend my time on this ‘time stealer’ where I supposed to focus on completing my projects.The result?I not able to complete my task according to the due date and end up getting anxiety,pressure and the list goes on.

The thing about our brain is,it only can focus on a particular period of time our mind is tend to divert if we sit long hours in front of our pc’s.So we have to make sure we use the time we have in a proper way.Here are the few way for us to stay focused and increase workplace efficiency:

1.Set you goals-To stay focused on work we should have clear goals.Once we plan our goals is will be very easy for us to stay focused.We can use goal planning tools life GoalEnforcer to plan our goal,to track our goal and to accomplish the goals.

2.Allocate time to check mails-we can reach our workplace 30 minutes earlier to check our personal mails and promise to our self that we will stay away from personal emails during working period.

3.Stay away from personal calls-Usually I make sure I put my phone in silent mode when I was working.I will not entertain any personal call when I working.I tried this method.Its really working.It help me too stay focused on my work.

4.Allocate time period to people to disturb you-Set a timeframe for yourself to complete like 50% of your work.After you complete this goal,maybe you can spend 5-10 min to catch up with people or other latest updates around you.

5.Listen to some light music-This will keep you relax and stay focused.

6.Use right chair -Use the right chair which suit your body posture.This is to avoid back pains and keep you focus on your work.

7.Listen to right kind of music-Listen to the right music which suite your workplace,keep you motivated,and keep you focus.

8.Breakdown your work and set time frame-Break down your work into smaller category and set dateline to complete it.

9.Create ‘To Do' list and track it.

10.Do meditation-Practice doing meditation to increase your focusing level.

“Winner Focus;Looser Spray”

Hope this info will be helpful to all of you.


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